Below are general estimates of the pricing for our services. If you would like more specific pricing, please contact us.
Pricing is personalized based on multiple factors. One person's rate does not guarantee you the same rate.
Priced per hour. Rate will be multiplied by time. Payroll pricing included in package with accounting.
Services such as QuickBooks data entry, reconciling
Minimum invoice of $10. Services such as sorting receipts, matching up records
Expert accounting services for complicated acct. such as journal entries
Add a footnote if this applies to your business
Contact us for bundled Accounting & Payroll Services!
For those that do not utilize our accounting services. Priced per payroll or by time.
$5 discount for weekly payroll employers.
After 5 employees, pricing is done by time at $95 an hour.
Preparation of only Quarterly Form 941.
Discounted rate for owner only or no payroll per quarter.
For WA: SUTA unemployment, L&I workers compensation, PFML, and WA Cares
For OR: SUTA, Worker's Benefit Fund, Statewide Transit Tax, PFML
Price per document: Form 940, Form OR-WR, and I-Wire
Price maxed at 5 employees. Price will increase based on the number of employees.
For those housing QB on a personal device. Discount for multiple licenses.
Price per document starts at
Contains: SS-4, WA Secretary of State, and WA Business License
i.e. meeting minutes, Articles of Incorporation, Operating Agreement, etc.
For average time spent. If no income, price will be adjusted.
i.e. Washington B&O, City of Portland/Multnomah County, CAT, etc.
All fees are subject to change per Accu-Tax Services LLC's rights. All fees listed are the starting price. Discounts may be applied at our discretion.
Accu-Tax Services LLC
12214 SE Mill Plain BLVD, Suite #100, Vancouver, WA 98684
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